Manusforfatterstreiken i Hollywood er over

Den over 3 måneder lange arbeidskonflikten mellom fagorganiserte manusforfattere i Hollywood (WGA) og produsentorganisasjonen AMPTP ser nå ut til å gå mot en slutt. Variety melder nå i ettermiddag at det er inngått en tentativ avtale mellom de to partene, og alt som gjenstår nå er at WGA-medlemmene godtar vilkårene (noe som er meget sannsynlig at de gjør). Lederen for de streikende manusforfattterne sier i en pressemelding at streiken har vært en suksess:

"It is an agreement that protects a future in which the Internet becomes the primary means of both content creation and delivery,” they said. “It creates formulas for revenue-based residuals in new media, provides access to deals and financial data to help us evaluate and enforce those formulas, and establishes the principle that, ‘When they get paid, we get paid.’ “

Verrone and Winship said in the message that the time has come to end the strike and cited the “enormous personal toll on our members and countless others.” “As such, we believe that continuing to strike now will not bring sufficient gains to outweigh the potential risks and that the time has come to accept this contract and settle the strike,” they said. “Much has been achieved, and while this agreement is neither perfect nor perhaps all that we deserve for the countless hours of hard work and sacrifice, our strike has been a success.”

Flere interessante linker kan finnes hos Anne Thompson og på de streikendes blogg United Hollywood.

Manusforfatterstreiken i Hollywood er over

Den over 3 måneder lange arbeidskonflikten mellom fagorganiserte manusforfattere i Hollywood (WGA) og produsentorganisasjonen AMPTP ser nå ut til å gå mot en slutt. Variety melder nå i ettermiddag at det er inngått en tentativ avtale mellom de to partene, og alt som gjenstår nå er at WGA-medlemmene godtar vilkårene (noe som er meget sannsynlig at de gjør). Lederen for de streikende manusforfattterne sier i en pressemelding at streiken har vært en suksess:

"It is an agreement that protects a future in which the Internet becomes the primary means of both content creation and delivery,” they said. “It creates formulas for revenue-based residuals in new media, provides access to deals and financial data to help us evaluate and enforce those formulas, and establishes the principle that, ‘When they get paid, we get paid.’ “

Verrone and Winship said in the message that the time has come to end the strike and cited the “enormous personal toll on our members and countless others.” “As such, we believe that continuing to strike now will not bring sufficient gains to outweigh the potential risks and that the time has come to accept this contract and settle the strike,” they said. “Much has been achieved, and while this agreement is neither perfect nor perhaps all that we deserve for the countless hours of hard work and sacrifice, our strike has been a success.”

Flere interessante linker kan finnes hos Anne Thompson og på de streikendes blogg United Hollywood.