Møt framtidens filmskapere

Møt framtidens filmskapere

Møt de ti lovende nordiske regissørene som er representert på RUSHPRINTs dvd «Directors to Watch». Her forteller de om hva de dvd-aktuelle filmene betyr for dem og hva slags planer de har framover.

I desember/januar-utgaven av Rushprint følger en dvd med ny nordisk kortfilm. Directors to watch: 10 Short Films by Nordic Talents. Denne gangen har vi valgt ut det vi tror er de mest spennende talentene som vil prege nordisk film i årene som kommer.

Også denne gangen skjer utgivelsen gjennom et samarbeid mellom de fire nordiske tidsskriftene RUSHPRINT (Norge) FLM (Sverige), Episodi (Finland) og Filmmagasinet Ekko (Danmark) – som alle har dvd-en med i sine nyeste utgaver. En avgjørende støttegiver er Nordisk film- og tv-fond. Det er redaktørene av tidsskriftene som sammen har plukket ut filmene. De følgende ti intervjuene foregår av praktiske årsaker på engelsk (klikk på ingressene for å lese intervjuene).

Daimi (regi: Marie Grahtø Sørensen)

“I fought a lot with myself about whether I even had the right to tell this story – if it was okay when the story was based on emotions I hadn’t experienced myself”.


Emergency Calls (regi: Hannes Vartainen and Pekka Veikkolainen)

“We were interested in exploring how the professionals communicate with the victims in the middle of life-threatening situations”


Ladyboy (regi: Aske Bang)

”I want the audience to sit back with a feeling of love being an universal thing that everybody needs regardless of their sexual orientation»


Scratches (regi: Gabriela Pichler)

“I hate it when dialogue in films about young people feels written by grownups.. I wanted the way of speaking to be authentic and feel real”.



Animals I Killed Last Summer (regi: Gustav Danielsson)

“I can’t kill the small fish my sons catch, but I have no problems eating fish or meat from an animal that someone else has slaughtered. So I’m not good or humane. It’s mainly that I just don’t want to get blood on my own hands.”



Sirocco (regi: Mikko Kuparinen)

“They say it is hard to direct animals and children. I don´t know much about animals, but now I definitely know it is hard with babies.”



A Day or Two (regi: Hlynur Pálmason)

“The idea came from a conflict I was having with the short format. I wanted the film to be this feeling in the deepest sense, not only in a narrative form.”

A day or two_DVD_768


To Open, To See (regi: Camilla Figenschou)

“The idea for To Open, To See came at the same time as I was doing a photo project where I was photographing children in Lofoten where they were holding a heart from a minke whale.”


To Guard a Mountain (regi: Izer Aliu)

“Since I have a younger brother myself, I always kept thinking how it would be to carry your dead brother home. I didn’t want to think about it, but I just couldn’t stop.”


Premature (regi: Gunhild Enger)

“My main idea was to portray a simple situation where people mean well, but do harm.”


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Møt framtidens filmskapere

Møt framtidens filmskapere

Møt de ti lovende nordiske regissørene som er representert på RUSHPRINTs dvd «Directors to Watch». Her forteller de om hva de dvd-aktuelle filmene betyr for dem og hva slags planer de har framover.

I desember/januar-utgaven av Rushprint følger en dvd med ny nordisk kortfilm. Directors to watch: 10 Short Films by Nordic Talents. Denne gangen har vi valgt ut det vi tror er de mest spennende talentene som vil prege nordisk film i årene som kommer.

Også denne gangen skjer utgivelsen gjennom et samarbeid mellom de fire nordiske tidsskriftene RUSHPRINT (Norge) FLM (Sverige), Episodi (Finland) og Filmmagasinet Ekko (Danmark) – som alle har dvd-en med i sine nyeste utgaver. En avgjørende støttegiver er Nordisk film- og tv-fond. Det er redaktørene av tidsskriftene som sammen har plukket ut filmene. De følgende ti intervjuene foregår av praktiske årsaker på engelsk (klikk på ingressene for å lese intervjuene).

Daimi (regi: Marie Grahtø Sørensen)

“I fought a lot with myself about whether I even had the right to tell this story – if it was okay when the story was based on emotions I hadn’t experienced myself”.


Emergency Calls (regi: Hannes Vartainen and Pekka Veikkolainen)

“We were interested in exploring how the professionals communicate with the victims in the middle of life-threatening situations”


Ladyboy (regi: Aske Bang)

”I want the audience to sit back with a feeling of love being an universal thing that everybody needs regardless of their sexual orientation»


Scratches (regi: Gabriela Pichler)

“I hate it when dialogue in films about young people feels written by grownups.. I wanted the way of speaking to be authentic and feel real”.



Animals I Killed Last Summer (regi: Gustav Danielsson)

“I can’t kill the small fish my sons catch, but I have no problems eating fish or meat from an animal that someone else has slaughtered. So I’m not good or humane. It’s mainly that I just don’t want to get blood on my own hands.”



Sirocco (regi: Mikko Kuparinen)

“They say it is hard to direct animals and children. I don´t know much about animals, but now I definitely know it is hard with babies.”



A Day or Two (regi: Hlynur Pálmason)

“The idea came from a conflict I was having with the short format. I wanted the film to be this feeling in the deepest sense, not only in a narrative form.”

A day or two_DVD_768


To Open, To See (regi: Camilla Figenschou)

“The idea for To Open, To See came at the same time as I was doing a photo project where I was photographing children in Lofoten where they were holding a heart from a minke whale.”


To Guard a Mountain (regi: Izer Aliu)

“Since I have a younger brother myself, I always kept thinking how it would be to carry your dead brother home. I didn’t want to think about it, but I just couldn’t stop.”


Premature (regi: Gunhild Enger)

“My main idea was to portray a simple situation where people mean well, but do harm.”


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