‘New Talent Grand PIX’ til Eskil Vogt og ‘Blind’


Eskil Vogt og Blind vant prisen New Talent Grand PIX under årets CPH PIX 2014, melder festivalen.


Prisen er på 15.000 euro. Jurymedlemmene Miriam Nørgaard, Steve Holmgren og Sol Bondy, skriver om vinnerfilmen Blind:

The talent debuting with this film crosses the boundaries of storytelling in a playful and joyous manner, consistently taking us by surprise. His tools are beautifully simple and truly cinematic. He takes us deep in to the mindset of his protagonist, where he twitches and turns her doubts- and struggle in understanding and relating to the world. Building the universe of the film much larger than three apartments and a few exteriors which it in reality consists of. We could not resist the film’s originality, style and humor and also it’s different layers of storytelling, which was a true pleasure to sink into.

We want this award to be much more that a «pat on the back. Our hope is for this prize to be a strong push for the filmmaker towards making his next film. We are pleased to award the CPH PIX New Talent Grand PIX to Eskil Vogt for his accomplished debut ‘Blind’.

Kilde: CPH PIX

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‘New Talent Grand PIX’ til Eskil Vogt og ‘Blind’


Eskil Vogt og Blind vant prisen New Talent Grand PIX under årets CPH PIX 2014, melder festivalen.


Prisen er på 15.000 euro. Jurymedlemmene Miriam Nørgaard, Steve Holmgren og Sol Bondy, skriver om vinnerfilmen Blind:

The talent debuting with this film crosses the boundaries of storytelling in a playful and joyous manner, consistently taking us by surprise. His tools are beautifully simple and truly cinematic. He takes us deep in to the mindset of his protagonist, where he twitches and turns her doubts- and struggle in understanding and relating to the world. Building the universe of the film much larger than three apartments and a few exteriors which it in reality consists of. We could not resist the film’s originality, style and humor and also it’s different layers of storytelling, which was a true pleasure to sink into.

We want this award to be much more that a «pat on the back. Our hope is for this prize to be a strong push for the filmmaker towards making his next film. We are pleased to award the CPH PIX New Talent Grand PIX to Eskil Vogt for his accomplished debut ‘Blind’.

Kilde: CPH PIX

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