Panahi innleder sultestreik i fengsel.

Panahi innleder sultestreik i fengsel.

Den iranske filmskaperen Jafar Panahi har innledet sultestreik i Evin-fengselet i Teheran. Les hans brev til det internasjonale samfunnet.

Foto: Panahi fra filmen «Taxi Teheran» som han fikk Gullbjørnen for.

Siste: Panahi er løslatt fra fengsel mot kausjon.

Irans kanskje mest kjente nålevende filmskaper sitter som kjent fengslet etter en dom på seks år for kritikk av det iranske regimet.

Han ble pågrepet i juli i fjor på bakgrunn av en betinget dom fra 2010 da han ble funnet skyldig i å ha drevet «propaganda mot myndighetene» i landet. Han fikk da også yrkes- og utreiseforbud. Han har likevel klart å lage film under radaren til myndighetene og er snart aktuell på norske kinoer med No bears. Den filmen rakk han å lage ferdig innen han ble arrestert.

Pågripelsen av ham skjedde etter at han sammen med kollegaen Mostafa Aleahmad publiserte et åpent brev i sosiale medier der han oppfordret landets sikkerhetsstyrker til å legge ned våpnene.

Det er Panahis hustru, Tahereh Saeidi, som på sin instagramkonto varslet om ektemannens beslutning om å innlede en sultestreik i protest. Der publiserte hun også et brev fra Panahi til det internasjonale samfunnet.

Det går som følger (i sin helhet og med eventuelle skrivefeil):

«On July 20 of this year, in protest against the arrest of two of our beloved colleagues, Mr. Mohammad Rasulof and Mostafa Al-Ahmad, together with a group of filmmakers gathered in front of Evin prison, it was decided that a number of us and the lawyers of the detained colleagues entered the Evin courthouse. Peacefully we were talking with the relevant authorities and the relevant investigator when an agent came and took me to the judge of branch 1 of Evin’s sentence enforcement. The young judge said without introduction: «We were looking for you in the skies, we found you here. You are under arrest!»

In this way, I was arrested and transferred to Evin prison for the execution of a sentence that had been issued for eleven years. According to the law for which I was arrested in 1988, after more than ten years of non-execution of a The sentence is subject to the passage of time and becomes unenforceable. Therefore, this arrest was more like banditry and hostage-taking than the execution of a judicial sentence.

Even though my arrest was illegal, the respected lawyers succeeded in violating the ruling issued in 1990 by resuming the proceedings in the Supreme Court, which is the highest authority for judicial cases, on the 15 October 2022 of this year, so that they can go to the same branch for retrial. Width to be referred. In this way, according to the law, with the acceptance of the request for retrial and violation of the verdict, the case was referred to the branch and I should have been released immediately by issuing bail; While we have seen that it takes less than thirty days from the time of arrest to the hanging of the innocent youth of our country, it took more than a hundred days to transfer my case to the branch with the intervention of security forces.

According to the clarity of the law in cases of violation of the sentence in the Supreme Court, the judge of the same branch was obliged to release me by issuing a bail order as soon as the case was referred to that branch, however, by issuing a heavy bail order, in practice after months of detention Legally, I was still kept in prison with repeated excuses and every day by the security agencies.

What is certain is that the behavior of the bully and extra-legal security institution and the unquestioning surrender of the judicial authorities once again show the implementation of selective and tasteful laws.

It is only an excuse for repression. Even though I knew that the judicial system and the security institutions have no will to implement the law (which they insist on), but out of respect for my lawyers and friends, I went through all the legal ways to get my right; Today, like many people trapped in Iran, I have no choice but to protest against these inhumane behaviors with my dearest possession, that is, my life.

Therefore, I firmly declare that in protest against the extra-legal and inhumane behavior of the judicial and security apparatus and this particular hostage-taking, I have started a hunger strike since the morning of the 12th of Bahman, and I will refuse to eat and drink any food and medicine until the time of my release. I will remain in this state until perhaps my lifeless body is freed from prison.»

Panahi innleder sultestreik i fengsel.

Panahi innleder sultestreik i fengsel.

Den iranske filmskaperen Jafar Panahi har innledet sultestreik i Evin-fengselet i Teheran. Les hans brev til det internasjonale samfunnet.

Foto: Panahi fra filmen «Taxi Teheran» som han fikk Gullbjørnen for.

Siste: Panahi er løslatt fra fengsel mot kausjon.

Irans kanskje mest kjente nålevende filmskaper sitter som kjent fengslet etter en dom på seks år for kritikk av det iranske regimet.

Han ble pågrepet i juli i fjor på bakgrunn av en betinget dom fra 2010 da han ble funnet skyldig i å ha drevet «propaganda mot myndighetene» i landet. Han fikk da også yrkes- og utreiseforbud. Han har likevel klart å lage film under radaren til myndighetene og er snart aktuell på norske kinoer med No bears. Den filmen rakk han å lage ferdig innen han ble arrestert.

Pågripelsen av ham skjedde etter at han sammen med kollegaen Mostafa Aleahmad publiserte et åpent brev i sosiale medier der han oppfordret landets sikkerhetsstyrker til å legge ned våpnene.

Det er Panahis hustru, Tahereh Saeidi, som på sin instagramkonto varslet om ektemannens beslutning om å innlede en sultestreik i protest. Der publiserte hun også et brev fra Panahi til det internasjonale samfunnet.

Det går som følger (i sin helhet og med eventuelle skrivefeil):

«On July 20 of this year, in protest against the arrest of two of our beloved colleagues, Mr. Mohammad Rasulof and Mostafa Al-Ahmad, together with a group of filmmakers gathered in front of Evin prison, it was decided that a number of us and the lawyers of the detained colleagues entered the Evin courthouse. Peacefully we were talking with the relevant authorities and the relevant investigator when an agent came and took me to the judge of branch 1 of Evin’s sentence enforcement. The young judge said without introduction: «We were looking for you in the skies, we found you here. You are under arrest!»

In this way, I was arrested and transferred to Evin prison for the execution of a sentence that had been issued for eleven years. According to the law for which I was arrested in 1988, after more than ten years of non-execution of a The sentence is subject to the passage of time and becomes unenforceable. Therefore, this arrest was more like banditry and hostage-taking than the execution of a judicial sentence.

Even though my arrest was illegal, the respected lawyers succeeded in violating the ruling issued in 1990 by resuming the proceedings in the Supreme Court, which is the highest authority for judicial cases, on the 15 October 2022 of this year, so that they can go to the same branch for retrial. Width to be referred. In this way, according to the law, with the acceptance of the request for retrial and violation of the verdict, the case was referred to the branch and I should have been released immediately by issuing bail; While we have seen that it takes less than thirty days from the time of arrest to the hanging of the innocent youth of our country, it took more than a hundred days to transfer my case to the branch with the intervention of security forces.

According to the clarity of the law in cases of violation of the sentence in the Supreme Court, the judge of the same branch was obliged to release me by issuing a bail order as soon as the case was referred to that branch, however, by issuing a heavy bail order, in practice after months of detention Legally, I was still kept in prison with repeated excuses and every day by the security agencies.

What is certain is that the behavior of the bully and extra-legal security institution and the unquestioning surrender of the judicial authorities once again show the implementation of selective and tasteful laws.

It is only an excuse for repression. Even though I knew that the judicial system and the security institutions have no will to implement the law (which they insist on), but out of respect for my lawyers and friends, I went through all the legal ways to get my right; Today, like many people trapped in Iran, I have no choice but to protest against these inhumane behaviors with my dearest possession, that is, my life.

Therefore, I firmly declare that in protest against the extra-legal and inhumane behavior of the judicial and security apparatus and this particular hostage-taking, I have started a hunger strike since the morning of the 12th of Bahman, and I will refuse to eat and drink any food and medicine until the time of my release. I will remain in this state until perhaps my lifeless body is freed from prison.»