Appell fra ukrainske produsenter til norsk kinopublikum

Appell fra ukrainske produsenter til norsk kinopublikum

Produsentene av den ukrainske animasjonsfilmen «Alva og Regnbuedragen» kommer med en appell til det norske kinopublikummet i anledning relanseringen av filmen.

Foto fra de ukrainske produsentenes frivillighetsarbeid i Kyiv.

Manymore Films relanserte nylig den ukrainske animasjonsfilmen Alva og Regnbuedragen på kino i Norge. Alle inntekter tilfaller veldedige formål i Ukraina. Det skjer i samarbeid med kinoene og i solidaritet med Ukraina. Allerede har 50 kinoer bestemt seg for å sette opp filmen igjen (den er tillatt for alle).

Manymore Films har også vært i dialog med den ukrainske produsenten Image Pictures om relanseringen. I den anledning har de mottatt en appell fra begge produsentene, Yurii Levchuk og Oleksanr Klymenko, i form av to mailer stilet til kinopublikummet i Norge. Vi gjengir appellene her. De er datert 9.mars.

Foto fra Levchuks frivillighetsarbeid i Kyiv (alle bilder er formidlet av Manymore Films).

Yurii Levchuks appell:

Letter to friends for help to stop the war

I am writing this letter from Kyiv, which has been bombarded by bombers, medium-range cruise missiles and ballistic missiles for two weeks.

Russian soldiers have already killed 38 Ukrainian children and wounded more than 70. Overall, more than 400 civilians were confirmed dead and more than 800 civilians wounded. This is genocide.

Responsibility for civilian deaths lies not only with all Russians who support Putin, but also with Western governments who haven’t closed skies over Ukraine.

Humanitarian Corridors were artillery shelled, despite the agreements with the participation of the Red Cross. In city of Mariupol a child died from dehydration, because his parents did not leave the bomb shelter due to artillery or  Air Force shelling or bombardment.

Russian invaders are committing terrible crimes and make humanitarian catastrophes in our cities, depriving people of basic necessities like food, water, light, heat, communications, in fact taking hundreds of thousands of people hostage.

Ukrainian military fight bravely with the second biggest army in the world. Over the last 30 years Russian Air Force has not lost as many aircraft as it did in last two weeks in Ukraine.

We are fighting for the freedom and right to live for everyone.

If Ukraine fell, Russia will not stop. You will be the next target. This beast has unstoppable hunger, the more it eats, the more it wants to eat.

With kind regards

Yurii Levchuk, producer»


Oleksanr Klymenkos appell:

Dear friends!

Our studio has created a very kind and beautiful cartoon for you. You and your children can safely go to the cinema. We are different now.

Ukraine is on the 15th day of the war. Russian invaders are bombing peaceful cities. Civilians are dying, children are dying.

In Kyiv every two hours there is an air raid alert. The cities of Kharkov, Chernihiv, Sumy, Bucha and many others were destroyed.

The civilian population lives in basements, subways, parking lots in appalling conditions. A terrible picture, when parents and 13 children hide for two weeks from shelling in the basement of the morgue.

The army and people of Ukraine will definitely win this war, but the casualties can be catastrophic.

Each of you can help! Demand from your governments to close the sky over Ukraine, so that the bombing of peaceful cities would stop. Ukraine will be grateful for any informational, humanitarian, financial support. Now we are fighting not only for ourselves, but for the whole world! For freedom!

Producer, Oleksanr Klymenko


Appell fra ukrainske produsenter til norsk kinopublikum

Appell fra ukrainske produsenter til norsk kinopublikum

Produsentene av den ukrainske animasjonsfilmen «Alva og Regnbuedragen» kommer med en appell til det norske kinopublikummet i anledning relanseringen av filmen.

Foto fra de ukrainske produsentenes frivillighetsarbeid i Kyiv.

Manymore Films relanserte nylig den ukrainske animasjonsfilmen Alva og Regnbuedragen på kino i Norge. Alle inntekter tilfaller veldedige formål i Ukraina. Det skjer i samarbeid med kinoene og i solidaritet med Ukraina. Allerede har 50 kinoer bestemt seg for å sette opp filmen igjen (den er tillatt for alle).

Manymore Films har også vært i dialog med den ukrainske produsenten Image Pictures om relanseringen. I den anledning har de mottatt en appell fra begge produsentene, Yurii Levchuk og Oleksanr Klymenko, i form av to mailer stilet til kinopublikummet i Norge. Vi gjengir appellene her. De er datert 9.mars.

Foto fra Levchuks frivillighetsarbeid i Kyiv (alle bilder er formidlet av Manymore Films).

Yurii Levchuks appell:

Letter to friends for help to stop the war

I am writing this letter from Kyiv, which has been bombarded by bombers, medium-range cruise missiles and ballistic missiles for two weeks.

Russian soldiers have already killed 38 Ukrainian children and wounded more than 70. Overall, more than 400 civilians were confirmed dead and more than 800 civilians wounded. This is genocide.

Responsibility for civilian deaths lies not only with all Russians who support Putin, but also with Western governments who haven’t closed skies over Ukraine.

Humanitarian Corridors were artillery shelled, despite the agreements with the participation of the Red Cross. In city of Mariupol a child died from dehydration, because his parents did not leave the bomb shelter due to artillery or  Air Force shelling or bombardment.

Russian invaders are committing terrible crimes and make humanitarian catastrophes in our cities, depriving people of basic necessities like food, water, light, heat, communications, in fact taking hundreds of thousands of people hostage.

Ukrainian military fight bravely with the second biggest army in the world. Over the last 30 years Russian Air Force has not lost as many aircraft as it did in last two weeks in Ukraine.

We are fighting for the freedom and right to live for everyone.

If Ukraine fell, Russia will not stop. You will be the next target. This beast has unstoppable hunger, the more it eats, the more it wants to eat.

With kind regards

Yurii Levchuk, producer»


Oleksanr Klymenkos appell:

Dear friends!

Our studio has created a very kind and beautiful cartoon for you. You and your children can safely go to the cinema. We are different now.

Ukraine is on the 15th day of the war. Russian invaders are bombing peaceful cities. Civilians are dying, children are dying.

In Kyiv every two hours there is an air raid alert. The cities of Kharkov, Chernihiv, Sumy, Bucha and many others were destroyed.

The civilian population lives in basements, subways, parking lots in appalling conditions. A terrible picture, when parents and 13 children hide for two weeks from shelling in the basement of the morgue.

The army and people of Ukraine will definitely win this war, but the casualties can be catastrophic.

Each of you can help! Demand from your governments to close the sky over Ukraine, so that the bombing of peaceful cities would stop. Ukraine will be grateful for any informational, humanitarian, financial support. Now we are fighting not only for ourselves, but for the whole world! For freedom!

Producer, Oleksanr Klymenko