Winding Refn vil lage superheltfilm

N w refn

Sammen med Batman og Superman, er Wonder Woman en av de eldste tegneseriene. Den handler om amasoneprinsessen Diana som forelsker seg i en amerikansk pilot og blir med til USA, hvor hun blir superhelten Wonder Woman. Hun har overmenneskelige krefter og fanger skurker med sin gyldne lasso. Nå planlegges det en Womder Woman-film. I et intervju med Movieline forteller den profilerte danske regissøren Nicolas Winding Refn (Pusher-trilogien, Bronson og Valhalla Rising) hvorfor han vil lage Wonder Woman:

“the real origin of Wonder Woman is: What if women were more powerful than men? What would the world be like? That’s a subliminal theme.” … “I think that would be a starting point for looking at it. You need a great, extravagant, marketable action film — and everything that comes with it. But I think that when Christopher Nolan did the Batman movies, I think he very cleverly went back to the source material and took themes that had maybe not been exercised. And he was able to make very good and successful films with them. So I think the audience is very much out there. It’s just how you do it.

And I think that some of the films that have worked over the years have worked for different reasons than people sometimes think they do. And where Wonder Woman on one hand is a great female character who can be included in many great fight scenes, she doesn’t have great villains against her. OK, so you create some. She doesn’t have a Joker or those classic Batman kinds of guys. But she does have her whole world that she comes from, which is fascinating. The whole idea of a woman who is basically more powerful than any man — and who will always be that, and comes from a society of women who are more powerful than men — is an interesting theme that I think can be very contemporary.»

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Winding Refn vil lage superheltfilm

N w refn

Sammen med Batman og Superman, er Wonder Woman en av de eldste tegneseriene. Den handler om amasoneprinsessen Diana som forelsker seg i en amerikansk pilot og blir med til USA, hvor hun blir superhelten Wonder Woman. Hun har overmenneskelige krefter og fanger skurker med sin gyldne lasso. Nå planlegges det en Womder Woman-film. I et intervju med Movieline forteller den profilerte danske regissøren Nicolas Winding Refn (Pusher-trilogien, Bronson og Valhalla Rising) hvorfor han vil lage Wonder Woman:

“the real origin of Wonder Woman is: What if women were more powerful than men? What would the world be like? That’s a subliminal theme.” … “I think that would be a starting point for looking at it. You need a great, extravagant, marketable action film — and everything that comes with it. But I think that when Christopher Nolan did the Batman movies, I think he very cleverly went back to the source material and took themes that had maybe not been exercised. And he was able to make very good and successful films with them. So I think the audience is very much out there. It’s just how you do it.

And I think that some of the films that have worked over the years have worked for different reasons than people sometimes think they do. And where Wonder Woman on one hand is a great female character who can be included in many great fight scenes, she doesn’t have great villains against her. OK, so you create some. She doesn’t have a Joker or those classic Batman kinds of guys. But she does have her whole world that she comes from, which is fascinating. The whole idea of a woman who is basically more powerful than any man — and who will always be that, and comes from a society of women who are more powerful than men — is an interesting theme that I think can be very contemporary.»

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