Salgsagenten Global Screen har solgt Erik Poppes Tusen ganger godnatt til Frankrike og Belgia. Andre territorier som har kjøpt opp filmen for distribusjon denne uken er Hellas (Danaos Cinema), Brasil (Mares Filmes), Sentral-Amerika (Wiesner), Argentina (CDI Films) og Litauen (Scanorama).
Det skjer etter at filmen siden den internasjonale premieren under Montreal film festival er solgt til en lang rekke territorier: USA (Film Movement), Canada (Pacific Northwest Pictures), Japan (Kadokawa Corporation), Australia (Regency Film Distribution), Storbritannia (Arrow), Spania (Golem), Portugal (Lanterna de Pedra Filmes), Benelux-landene (Wild Bunch), Sør-Korea (Cinema Republic), Kina (Champs Lis), Hong Kong (Edko), Danmark og Finland (Smile ApS), Tyrkia (Yeni Bir Film Ltd), Rest-Jugoslavia (Discovery d.o.o.), Bulgaria (Multivision Ltd.), Latin-Amerika (HBO), Israel (Shoval), Midtøsten (Italia Film Int.), Indonesia (Suraya) og flere andre.
Tusen ganger godnatt hadde amerikansk premiere 24.oktober, til blandet kritikk.
Den franske distributøren er i hvert fall strålende fornøyd, i følge Screen:
“A Thousand Times Goodnight perfectly matches our line up of high quality movies that appeal to both arthouse and mainstream audiences. We already have huge interest from independent cinemas and major exhibitor circuits. This movie is very dear to Juliette Binoche’s heart and she will strongly support the release,” said Nancy de Meritens CEO of Septième Factory Distribution.
“We’re thrilled to bring A Thousand Times to France now, too, and are looking forward to our first collaboration with Septième Factory Distribution”, forteller Julia Weber, Head of Theatrical Sales hos Global Screen. “Our distributors keep telling me their audience for international drama is mainly female, educated and urban. A Thousand Times is the perfect film for exactly this target group, as it tackles one of this audience’s greatest challenges with great delicacy: how to be successful in a demanding job and enjoy a fulfilling family life at the same time.”