Tim Burton er valgt ut til å lede den prestisjetunge juryen under årets Cannes-festival.
«It’s the first time an artist whose origins are in animation will preside over the jury of the Festival de Cannes. A filmmaker with a heart of gold and silver hands, Tim Burton is first and foremost a poet. He’s a magician of visual delights who turns the screen into a faery wonder. We hope his sweet madness and gothic humour will pervade the Croisette, bringing Christmas to all. Christmas and Halloween…» sier festivalpresidenten Gilles Jacob i en pressemelding.
«After spending my early life watching triple features and 48-hour horror movie marathons, I’m finally ready for this. It’s a great honour and I look forward, with my fellow jurors, to watching some great films from around the world. When you think of Cannes you think of world cinema. And as films have always been like dreams to me, this is a dream come true», sier Tim Burton.
Festivalen arrangeres for 63.gang, og varer fra 12 til 23.mai. Navnene til de andre åtte medlemmene av Cannes-juryen vil bli offentliggjort i april.