Regissør og manusforfatter Pål Sletaune er tilbake med produsent Turid Øversveen fra 4 ½ . Teamet bak Naboer (2005) har fått med seg Noomi Rapace (kjent fra Millenium-filmene) i hovedrollen. Hun spiller sammen med Kristoffer Joner og Vetle Qvenild Werring. Babycall er Sletaunes fjerde spillefilm. I et intervju med Twitchfilm forteller Sletaune blant annet hvorfor han castet Noomi Rapace i hovedrollen:
«Noomi had her breakthrough half a year before we started casting and was all over the world promoting the film. I had seen the film and been totally struck with her presicion and presence, so I approached her to read the screenplay. She got back to me right away after having read it, saying she felt the story and the character had blown her away, and that she had been dreaming about the story the whole night after. Noomi is a fantastic actress, and its been wonderful and challenging to work with her. She demands that everything should be true, every movement, every line, every emotion.»