Sensur av Holocaust-film

Yael Hersonski har regissert dokumentarfilmen A Film Unfinished. Han utforsker holocaust gjennom materiale fra en uferdig nazi-propaganda-film om Warzawaghettoen. Organisasjonen Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) har nylig gitt dokumentaren sensuren R (Restricted) med begrunnelsen «disturbing images of holocaust atrocities including graphic nudity.» Dette betyr at unge under 17 må ha følge av foreldre eller foresatte.  Filmens distributør, Oscilloscope Laboratories, reagerer sterkt på avgjørelsen. Dette sier distributøren i en pressemelding:

«This is too important of a historical document to ban from classrooms. While there’s no doubt that Holocaust atrocities are displayed, if teachers feel their students are ready to understand what happened, it’s essential that young people are giving the opportunity to see this film. Why deny them the chance to learn about this critical part of our human history? I understand that the MPAA wants to protect children’s eyes from things that are too overwhelming, but they’ve really gone too far this time. It’s bullshit.»

Sensur av Holocaust-film

Yael Hersonski har regissert dokumentarfilmen A Film Unfinished. Han utforsker holocaust gjennom materiale fra en uferdig nazi-propaganda-film om Warzawaghettoen. Organisasjonen Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) har nylig gitt dokumentaren sensuren R (Restricted) med begrunnelsen «disturbing images of holocaust atrocities including graphic nudity.» Dette betyr at unge under 17 må ha følge av foreldre eller foresatte.  Filmens distributør, Oscilloscope Laboratories, reagerer sterkt på avgjørelsen. Dette sier distributøren i en pressemelding:

«This is too important of a historical document to ban from classrooms. While there’s no doubt that Holocaust atrocities are displayed, if teachers feel their students are ready to understand what happened, it’s essential that young people are giving the opportunity to see this film. Why deny them the chance to learn about this critical part of our human history? I understand that the MPAA wants to protect children’s eyes from things that are too overwhelming, but they’ve really gone too far this time. It’s bullshit.»