Norske filmer roses i Sundance

De to norske filmene som deltar i årets Sundance-festival, Sykt Lykkelig og Trolljegeren, har fått gode anmeldelser i amerikansk presse. Amanda Mae Meyncke trekker frem Sykt Lykkelig som en av festivalens beste filmer:

Ultimately a complicated film that abounds with joy and sadness, Happy Happy is one of the best films I saw at Sundance, and a mature exploration of the difficult world of adult relationships.

– Anne Sewitsky directs delicately, with an eye for signs of relationships faltering and for the space in which new attractions can’t be resisted, skriver David D’Arcy i sin anmeldelse for Screen.

– Sewitsky and Tronvoll have some keen insights into the ways that settled couples wound each other, mostly out of habit, skriver A.V. Clubs anmelder Noel Murray

Varietys anmelder Peter Debruge mener Trolljegeren kan bli en suksess for Magnet, som distribuerer filmen internasjonalt. Han roser også trollene i filmen og lydarbeidet.

– Reminiscent of the hairy beasts in Where the Wild Things Are, the trolls’ creature design is deliberately ugly, a shade comical and manageable enough to awe younger auds without provoking nightmares. But it’s the rafter-rocking sound work that really makes this experience feel both plausible and on par with a polished Hollywood production, skriver Debruge.

– With this Bizarro-World trek through the fjords, fields and mountaintops of wintry Norway, Andre Ovredal joins a select group of European filmmakers who have clearly paid attention to Hollywood’s lessons — particularly in the class on creature-features old and new — without negating their own specific cultural sensibility, skriver The Hollywood Reporter-anmelder David Rooney.

NFI har samlet en del av anmeldelsene her. I tillegg kan du lese A.V Clubs anmeldelser her: Trolljegeren, Sykt Lykkelig.

Norske filmer roses i Sundance

De to norske filmene som deltar i årets Sundance-festival, Sykt Lykkelig og Trolljegeren, har fått gode anmeldelser i amerikansk presse. Amanda Mae Meyncke trekker frem Sykt Lykkelig som en av festivalens beste filmer:

Ultimately a complicated film that abounds with joy and sadness, Happy Happy is one of the best films I saw at Sundance, and a mature exploration of the difficult world of adult relationships.

– Anne Sewitsky directs delicately, with an eye for signs of relationships faltering and for the space in which new attractions can’t be resisted, skriver David D’Arcy i sin anmeldelse for Screen.

– Sewitsky and Tronvoll have some keen insights into the ways that settled couples wound each other, mostly out of habit, skriver A.V. Clubs anmelder Noel Murray

Varietys anmelder Peter Debruge mener Trolljegeren kan bli en suksess for Magnet, som distribuerer filmen internasjonalt. Han roser også trollene i filmen og lydarbeidet.

– Reminiscent of the hairy beasts in Where the Wild Things Are, the trolls’ creature design is deliberately ugly, a shade comical and manageable enough to awe younger auds without provoking nightmares. But it’s the rafter-rocking sound work that really makes this experience feel both plausible and on par with a polished Hollywood production, skriver Debruge.

– With this Bizarro-World trek through the fjords, fields and mountaintops of wintry Norway, Andre Ovredal joins a select group of European filmmakers who have clearly paid attention to Hollywood’s lessons — particularly in the class on creature-features old and new — without negating their own specific cultural sensibility, skriver The Hollywood Reporter-anmelder David Rooney.

NFI har samlet en del av anmeldelsene her. I tillegg kan du lese A.V Clubs anmeldelser her: Trolljegeren, Sykt Lykkelig.