Terrence Malick er som kjent en perfeksjonist. Nylig ble det kjent at han har sendt instruksjoner til kinomaskinister for hvordan The Tree of Life skal vises. Instruksjonene er etter sigende sendt til alle kinoer som viser filmen. Han skriver blant annet at “Proper theatre projection is fast becoming a forgotten art».
Her er instruksjonene:
1. Project the film in its proper 1.85:1 aspect ratio.
2. The correct fader setting on Dolby and DTS systems is 7. Malick asks that faders be kept at 7.5 or even 7.7, system permitting.
3. The film has no opening credits, and the booth operator is asked to make sure the «lights down cue is well before the opening frame of reel 1.»
4. With all the recent talk of «darkier, lousier» images, operators are asked that lamps are at «proper standard (5400 Kelvin)» and that the «foot Lambert level is at Standard 14.»