Til MTV forteller den britiske regissøren Mike Newell at han har planer om å filmatisere The Terminal Spy. Boka handler om den tidligere FSB-spionen (tidligere KGB) Alexander Litvinenko, som i november 2006 ble forgiftet med det radioaktive stoffet Polonium-210 og døde kort tid etter på sykehus.
«That is one of things that’s so fascinating about it all. We know why Litvinenko’s getting murdered, but who did it? The KGB, who still exist under another acronym — they’re called the FSB — one of the things they are supposed to have said is, «If we had killed Litvinenko, do you suppose you would have ever known about it?» And you would say to yourself, «Well, I guess we wouldn’t because you are the great chess masters and there’s nothing that you can’t do.» One of the fallouts of the Cold War — and I think this is the fallout from the Cold War story — is you believe that those skills are still there. Who lives, whether they manipulate them, and to what end? All of these are fabulous questions for a paranoid thriller,» sier han. Les hele intervjuet her.
Jeg anbefaler for øvrig dokumentaren Poisoned by Polonium: The Litvinenko File. Her finner du et intervju med regissøren da han besøkte Kortfilmfestivalen.