A Single Man er debutfilmen til motedesigneren Tom Ford. I filmen møter vi den britiske professoren George Falconer (spilt av særdeles god Colin Firth) som er ulykkelig etter at hans kjæreste omkom i en bilulykke. Filmen fikk strålende mottakelse på filmfestivalen i Venezia, og Firth vant prisen for Beste skuespiller. Filmen er basert på romanen med samme navn, som blir regnet som den første romanen om den tidlige homofile frigjøringsbevegelsen. Indiwire har nylig gjort et intervju med Ford. Intervjuet anbefales, og her er en smakebit:
“For someone who has been fortunate enough to have all the material things that the world can offer,“and had really neglected the spiritual side of my life – this book spoke to me. In a very spirtual way. And I saw that it was actually a book written by the false self – from a kind of great distance – about the true self. It’s written in the third person. It’s really a book about learning to live in the present. Our culture is always living in the future… And that’s not really what it’s all about. As a fashion designer too, you also really live in the future. I mean, I design eighteen months in the future. Today doesn’t even exist. So before you know it, all your todays are gone and your life is over. And I’m constantly trying to live in the present and to drink things in and freeze them. And that’s what the movie is about. It’s about understanding the simple, small things in your life. And I think it’s the perfect time for us to all remember that, and to strive for that. So it seemed like the right story to tell.”
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