I dag ble Facebook-siden for Iron Sky stengt, fordi Facebook mener Iron Sky er «hateful, threatening or obscene». Iron Sky er altså en finsk science fiction-komedie om en gruppe nazister som rømte til månen rett før krigens slutt. I 2018 returnerer nazistene til jorda for å gjøre slutt på menneskeheten.
«Businesswise Facebook is not doing itself any favours. The Wikipedia page about WWII and Nazi Germany has more material that can be considered ‘hateful or obscene’ than our Facebook page. The fact that the removal of the profile of a legitimate business was done without any warning is extremely
questionable, especially so because Facebook doesn’t offer any way to contact the administration,» forteller produsenten Samuli Torssonen i en pressemelding.
«I guess the idea of a Moon Nazi invasion is too much to handle for Facebook. I really hope we’ll get the page back up and running soon, since the production is starting in the spring and we have a lot of interesting materials lined up for the fans. Luckily Facebook is not the only place on the net where we keep in contact with our fanbase.», sier regissøren Timo Vuorensola.