Universal har sluppet den første traileren til Cowboys & Aliens, som spås å bli en stor publikumsvinner. Filmen er basert på Scott Mitchell Rosenbergs sjangerblandede tegneserie med samme navn. Regien er ved Jon Favreau (Iron Man-filmene), mens manuset er skrevet av Alex Kurtzman og Roberto Orci (Star Trek, Transformers) sammen med Damon Lindelof (Lost). I filmen møter vi en mann uten hukommelse som ankommer en lite gjestmild ørkenbygd. Handlingen foregår i Arizona, 1873.
«We really looked to a lot of the classics. I think when you do a mash-up of genres you have to play both genres down the middle. With cowboy movies, you have a lot of choices. We chose to go more the John Ford/Sergio Leone route, which I think people have been scared to do in recent years. It’s not been a lucrative genre. (…) We’re going for the look and the feel and the tone of the pre-CG, Spielberg-era alien films like Close Encounters, Predators, Alien. Those are the ones that we’re referencing the most, visually. Then, to have Steven Spielberg as an executive producer—I can actually go to him and be like, “How did you do this in Close Encounters?” har regissøren uttalt til Vanity Fair.