Den norske megasuksessen Kon-Tiki blir ikke i samme grad omfavnet av kritikerne i USA som den ble her hjemme. Den engelskspråklige versjonen er satt opp på 400 amerikanske kinoer og hadde premiere denne uken. Kritikeren i New York Times er ikke begeistret, og omtaler filmen som ”a stolidly old-fashioned and manly hair-in-the-wind entertainment of the sort that could have filled out the bottom of a studio double bill”.
Sjefskritiker i vestkystens største avis L.A. Times, Kenneth Turan, er mer positiv. Han mener filmen “features a protagonist who was determination itself, a filmmaking style that is square as opposed to cutting edge, and a story that is strong enough to involve us despite its earnest underpinnings”.
New York Observer er over seg av begeistring: “Kon-Tiki is a wonderful display of maritime and navigational skills. You never get the feeling there’s a companion boat nearby with a camera mounted on its hull, photographing the action. The location work in Norway, Bulgaria, Thailand and Malta is gorgeous. One of the goals of a great outdoor epic is to keep you breathless with wonder. Technically, dramatically and cinematically awesome, Kon-Tiki delivers in spades.”
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