Neste år feirer Berlinalen 60 år. Festival ble etablert 6.juni 1951, kun seks år etter andre verdenskrig. I forbindelse med jubileet inviterer festivalen publikum til å dele sine opplevelser og minner fra den store festivalen. Berlinalen skriver: «What were your loveliest and most moving, thrilling, tearful, erotic, funny, upsetting, embarrassing and/or tender moments at the Berlinale? In cinemas, or when you were out and about? Did you bump into any screen stars? Or did one happen to step on your foot? Have you ever stumbled over the red carpet? Or, while waiting in line, heard the latest gossip, found out more about film, or met the love of your life? And does your Berlinale story have a happy ending? For our anniversary we will present your loveliest Berlinale stories and memories. And, of course, we would be delighted if you could also send us your photos and/or films.» Berlinalen arrangeres fra 11.02-21.02.