Avatar – ny informasjon i forumene?


Få vet noe som helst om James Camerons 3D-epos Avatar, rent bortsett fra at vi alle er enige om at forventningene er astronomiske. I min daglige gjennomgang av hva som skjer på klodens filmrelaterte blogger, kom jeg over et utsagn som sier mer om filmen enn noe annet jeg har hørt. Om innholdet er ekte er en annen sak, men utsagn av denne typen er et veldig godt eksempel på hvordan informasjon går sin gang på nettet. Here goes:

Avatar is going to be a game changer as in the technical side of things, what is not spoken about is the vfx side. ive spoken to a few involved in the picture. and at first they said it was jus going to be a 300 million cartoon. but a year later… they say that its like seeing that dinosaur in jurasic park for the first time. but they also said that remember these things are nly as good as the animators are. and jim is having probs with certain aspects. i was told about a 12 min segment of avatar where its in the first person viewpoint.and they were having probs making the scene feel real because people blink and have blurred vision. and from what im told they have found a very interesting compromise. also let me point out that the title Avatar references sam worthingtons character. why ? because the soldiers in camerons future have themeselves representations of themselves to fight in place of a soldier. ie an Avatar. they have developed an ecosystem from the ground up that to fill the alien world. next generation hair was also developed for the navi. (the alien race sam worthingtons avatar decides to fight for) im also told that camerons locked picture as yet runs at 3 hours 37 mins. im told the tone of the movie is a cross between aliens and first blood. expect thick jungles. diverse wildlife. (its the little things that bite hardest) and the planet itself is lit in dark blueish tones. but dont worry the trailer arrives with The day the earth stood still. remember who told ya first.

Avatar – ny informasjon i forumene?


Få vet noe som helst om James Camerons 3D-epos Avatar, rent bortsett fra at vi alle er enige om at forventningene er astronomiske. I min daglige gjennomgang av hva som skjer på klodens filmrelaterte blogger, kom jeg over et utsagn som sier mer om filmen enn noe annet jeg har hørt. Om innholdet er ekte er en annen sak, men utsagn av denne typen er et veldig godt eksempel på hvordan informasjon går sin gang på nettet. Here goes:

Avatar is going to be a game changer as in the technical side of things, what is not spoken about is the vfx side. ive spoken to a few involved in the picture. and at first they said it was jus going to be a 300 million cartoon. but a year later… they say that its like seeing that dinosaur in jurasic park for the first time. but they also said that remember these things are nly as good as the animators are. and jim is having probs with certain aspects. i was told about a 12 min segment of avatar where its in the first person viewpoint.and they were having probs making the scene feel real because people blink and have blurred vision. and from what im told they have found a very interesting compromise. also let me point out that the title Avatar references sam worthingtons character. why ? because the soldiers in camerons future have themeselves representations of themselves to fight in place of a soldier. ie an Avatar. they have developed an ecosystem from the ground up that to fill the alien world. next generation hair was also developed for the navi. (the alien race sam worthingtons avatar decides to fight for) im also told that camerons locked picture as yet runs at 3 hours 37 mins. im told the tone of the movie is a cross between aliens and first blood. expect thick jungles. diverse wildlife. (its the little things that bite hardest) and the planet itself is lit in dark blueish tones. but dont worry the trailer arrives with The day the earth stood still. remember who told ya first.