97 år av svensk film i New York

The Film Society of Lincoln Center i New York viser 48 svenske filmer fra 1913-2010. Retrospektivet har fått navnet «Northern Exposures: Social Change and Sexuality in Swedish Cinema”. Her kan du se hele programmet.

– «Swedish film has enjoyed a far reaching influence over cinema cultures across the world. With Northern Exposures, we are excited to screen a wide breadth of films, while offering audiences a rare opportunity to see many seminal classics on the big screen,» forteller Mara Manus i The Film Society of Lincoln Center.

97 år av svensk film i New York

The Film Society of Lincoln Center i New York viser 48 svenske filmer fra 1913-2010. Retrospektivet har fått navnet «Northern Exposures: Social Change and Sexuality in Swedish Cinema”. Her kan du se hele programmet.

– «Swedish film has enjoyed a far reaching influence over cinema cultures across the world. With Northern Exposures, we are excited to screen a wide breadth of films, while offering audiences a rare opportunity to see many seminal classics on the big screen,» forteller Mara Manus i The Film Society of Lincoln Center.