Men dogmefilmen var ikke død

r dansk film

Den danske gullalderen som for alvor skjøt fart med dogmefilmen før årtusenskiftet, er over. Men Det Danske Filminstitut (DFI) tror på bedre tider. Nisimazine har intervjuet Lizette Gram Mygind, utenlandsansvarlig for spillefilm i DFI, om dansk films fremtid. Hun tror det blir laget flere dogme-inspirerte filmer.

«Yes, I think that the ‘Dogma’ era can still inspire for its simplicity in filmmaking and the desire for the bare essential. For R, Tobias Lindholm was almost ready to sell his apartment in order to make this film. Thankfully, he did receive the funding! R is a special film, a prison drama that has a documentary feeling. The director chose a real prison in Denmark and cast real inmates that he trusted could act. It is a film that has similarities with Un Prophète, yet it has its own life. Also I think the collaboration between Tobias Lindholm and Michael Noer was a very creative one. They are both very talented and I am glad they’ve announced that they will try to work together every other year.»

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Men dogmefilmen var ikke død

r dansk film

Den danske gullalderen som for alvor skjøt fart med dogmefilmen før årtusenskiftet, er over. Men Det Danske Filminstitut (DFI) tror på bedre tider. Nisimazine har intervjuet Lizette Gram Mygind, utenlandsansvarlig for spillefilm i DFI, om dansk films fremtid. Hun tror det blir laget flere dogme-inspirerte filmer.

«Yes, I think that the ‘Dogma’ era can still inspire for its simplicity in filmmaking and the desire for the bare essential. For R, Tobias Lindholm was almost ready to sell his apartment in order to make this film. Thankfully, he did receive the funding! R is a special film, a prison drama that has a documentary feeling. The director chose a real prison in Denmark and cast real inmates that he trusted could act. It is a film that has similarities with Un Prophète, yet it has its own life. Also I think the collaboration between Tobias Lindholm and Michael Noer was a very creative one. They are both very talented and I am glad they’ve announced that they will try to work together every other year.»

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