

Vice Magazine har laget en svært interessant artikkel om Antichrist-markedsføringen. Magasinet har intervjuet Debbie Rowland, markedssjef i Artificial Eye, og plakatdesigneren Jeremy Saunders. Rowland forteller blant annet at Artificial Eye måtte lage en alternativ plakat:

«We were a little bit surprised, because, like I say, it did reflect the film, and we thought the people who made the decision to advertise the film would expect an image in keeping with that. What we did was develop an alternative campaign in case people did find the image offensive. For example, when we were booking the campaign in the broadsheets, we gave them the choice of the two, and in each case they chose the original campaign artwork. On the Underground it was too strong; we did submit the art to them and they said no. I think the only thing they cleared was the tree. So that was when we developed an alternative poster, using the quotes, and we thought we could use that if anyone found the print campaign offensive.»

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Vice Magazine har laget en svært interessant artikkel om Antichrist-markedsføringen. Magasinet har intervjuet Debbie Rowland, markedssjef i Artificial Eye, og plakatdesigneren Jeremy Saunders. Rowland forteller blant annet at Artificial Eye måtte lage en alternativ plakat:

«We were a little bit surprised, because, like I say, it did reflect the film, and we thought the people who made the decision to advertise the film would expect an image in keeping with that. What we did was develop an alternative campaign in case people did find the image offensive. For example, when we were booking the campaign in the broadsheets, we gave them the choice of the two, and in each case they chose the original campaign artwork. On the Underground it was too strong; we did submit the art to them and they said no. I think the only thing they cleared was the tree. So that was when we developed an alternative poster, using the quotes, and we thought we could use that if anyone found the print campaign offensive.»

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