EFA-priser til Gisle Tveito og Nils Petter Molvær

EFA-priser til Gisle Tveito og Nils Petter Molvær

Det europeiske filmakademiet gir årets fagpriser til blant andre Gisle Tveito og Nils Petter Molvær – for lydarbeidet på De Uskyldige og musikken på Great Freedom.

Foto: Endelig fikk også «De Uskyldige» en velfortjent pris fra Det europeiske filmakademiet

Det europeiske filmakademiet vil hedre en rekke fagpersoner under årets European Film Awards. En fagjury av åtte personer har kommet fram til vinnerne innen kategoriene beste filmfoto, klipp, produksjonsdesign, kostymedesign, make up og hår, originalmusikk, lyd og visuelle effekter.

Vår egen Gisle Tveito og svenske Gustaf Berger får pris for beste lyd for sin innsats på Eskil Vogts De Uskyldige.

“Sound can create an atmosphere of its own: Shifting out from what feels like ordinary every-day life, the simple yet unique sound design in THE INNOCENTS increases tension and becomes haunting. It keeps you on the edge of your seat,” heter det i begrunnelsen.

Tveito gir flere andre kred for prisen på sin FB-side: «Det hadde ikke gått uten Jesper Miller og Lars Wignell på Auditory, eller Yvonne Stenberg og Vidar Grande på Storyline, og ikke minst Heikki Kossi. Veldig mye av æren skal også Eskil Vogt ha, som kun sa nei når det ikke var nok:) Og så en stor takk til Maria Ekerhovd, MerFilm og alle de andre i produksjonen som ga oss et fantastisk materiale å jobbe med!»

Nils Petter Molvær og Peter Brötzmann får pris for beste European film score for arbeidet på Great Freedom – Sebastian Meises film om forfølgelse av homofile i etterkrigstidens Tyskland.

«Jazz is a statement. It’s always been exploratory; it’s never been straight. The sparse and bold scoring of GREAT FREEDOM takes you to decades, to places and to the edges of a rare cinematic experience interfacing with its music. It is an elegant yet instigating celebration of free improvisation and insurgency; jazz, resilience and solidarity.”

Prisvinnerne vil alle være til stede under utdelingen på European Film Awards i Berlin 11.desember.

Alle fagprisvinnerne:

Crystel Fournier for GREAT FREEDOMComplementing the simplicity of the language and the passing of time, the cinematography in GREAT FREEDOM pulls the spectator into the closeness of the prison cell, yet suggesting the openness and freedom of the mind. 
Mukharam Kabulova for UNCLENCHING THE FISTSIn UNCLENCHING THE FISTS, the editing works as a true contribution to the truthfulness of the film. A very precise handling of fragments of time makes us struggle together with the protagonists in their fight for freedom and happiness.
Márton Ágh for NATURAL LIGHTThe production design in NATURAL LIGHT blends perfectly with the costumes, drawing a painting of a remote Soviet village in the shadow of WWII.
Michael O’Connor for AMMONITEGoing beyond conventions, Michael O’Connor’s costumes are very precise. They support the hierarchy within the story and are an integral part of the film. You don’t perceive them as costumes but as dresses which follow and support the female protagonists. The costumes don’t distract but they give posture and credibility to the characters.
Flore Masson, Olivier Afonso & Antoine Mancini for TITANEThe outstanding make-up design in TITANE complements the special effects in an ideal way and instantly draws the viewer into the story. This powerful work makes Alexia a character you believe throughout the entire film.
Nils Petter Molvær & Peter Brötzmann for GREAT FREEDOM.Jazz is a statement. It’s always been exploratory; it’s never been straight. The sparse and bold scoring of GREAT FREEDOM takes you to decades, to places and to the edges of a rare cinematic experience interfacing with its music. It is an elegant yet instigating celebration of free improvisation and insurgency; jazz, resilience and solidarity.
Gisle Tveito & Gustaf Berger  for THE INNOCENTSSound can create an atmosphere of its own: Shifting out from what feels like ordinary every-day life, the simple yet unique sound design in THE INNOCENTS increases tension and becomes haunting. It keeps you on the edge of your seat.
Peter Hjorth & Fredrik Nord for LAMBThe excellent visual effects in LAMB create a magical realism which transports the audience into another dimension.

Årets jury har bestått av:  Camilla Hjelm, cinematographer, Denmark. Matt Kasmir, VFX supervisor, UK. Jelena Maksimovic, editor, Serbia. Ursula Patzak, costume designer, Italy. Célia Sayaphoum, sound designer, France. Francis «Kiko» Soeder, production designer, Germany. Başar Ünder, composer, Turkey. Leendert van Nimwegen, make-up artist, Netherlands.

EFA-priser til Gisle Tveito og Nils Petter Molvær

EFA-priser til Gisle Tveito og Nils Petter Molvær

Det europeiske filmakademiet gir årets fagpriser til blant andre Gisle Tveito og Nils Petter Molvær – for lydarbeidet på De Uskyldige og musikken på Great Freedom.

Foto: Endelig fikk også «De Uskyldige» en velfortjent pris fra Det europeiske filmakademiet

Det europeiske filmakademiet vil hedre en rekke fagpersoner under årets European Film Awards. En fagjury av åtte personer har kommet fram til vinnerne innen kategoriene beste filmfoto, klipp, produksjonsdesign, kostymedesign, make up og hår, originalmusikk, lyd og visuelle effekter.

Vår egen Gisle Tveito og svenske Gustaf Berger får pris for beste lyd for sin innsats på Eskil Vogts De Uskyldige.

“Sound can create an atmosphere of its own: Shifting out from what feels like ordinary every-day life, the simple yet unique sound design in THE INNOCENTS increases tension and becomes haunting. It keeps you on the edge of your seat,” heter det i begrunnelsen.

Tveito gir flere andre kred for prisen på sin FB-side: «Det hadde ikke gått uten Jesper Miller og Lars Wignell på Auditory, eller Yvonne Stenberg og Vidar Grande på Storyline, og ikke minst Heikki Kossi. Veldig mye av æren skal også Eskil Vogt ha, som kun sa nei når det ikke var nok:) Og så en stor takk til Maria Ekerhovd, MerFilm og alle de andre i produksjonen som ga oss et fantastisk materiale å jobbe med!»

Nils Petter Molvær og Peter Brötzmann får pris for beste European film score for arbeidet på Great Freedom – Sebastian Meises film om forfølgelse av homofile i etterkrigstidens Tyskland.

«Jazz is a statement. It’s always been exploratory; it’s never been straight. The sparse and bold scoring of GREAT FREEDOM takes you to decades, to places and to the edges of a rare cinematic experience interfacing with its music. It is an elegant yet instigating celebration of free improvisation and insurgency; jazz, resilience and solidarity.”

Prisvinnerne vil alle være til stede under utdelingen på European Film Awards i Berlin 11.desember.

Alle fagprisvinnerne:

Crystel Fournier for GREAT FREEDOMComplementing the simplicity of the language and the passing of time, the cinematography in GREAT FREEDOM pulls the spectator into the closeness of the prison cell, yet suggesting the openness and freedom of the mind. 
Mukharam Kabulova for UNCLENCHING THE FISTSIn UNCLENCHING THE FISTS, the editing works as a true contribution to the truthfulness of the film. A very precise handling of fragments of time makes us struggle together with the protagonists in their fight for freedom and happiness.
Márton Ágh for NATURAL LIGHTThe production design in NATURAL LIGHT blends perfectly with the costumes, drawing a painting of a remote Soviet village in the shadow of WWII.
Michael O’Connor for AMMONITEGoing beyond conventions, Michael O’Connor’s costumes are very precise. They support the hierarchy within the story and are an integral part of the film. You don’t perceive them as costumes but as dresses which follow and support the female protagonists. The costumes don’t distract but they give posture and credibility to the characters.
Flore Masson, Olivier Afonso & Antoine Mancini for TITANEThe outstanding make-up design in TITANE complements the special effects in an ideal way and instantly draws the viewer into the story. This powerful work makes Alexia a character you believe throughout the entire film.
Nils Petter Molvær & Peter Brötzmann for GREAT FREEDOM.Jazz is a statement. It’s always been exploratory; it’s never been straight. The sparse and bold scoring of GREAT FREEDOM takes you to decades, to places and to the edges of a rare cinematic experience interfacing with its music. It is an elegant yet instigating celebration of free improvisation and insurgency; jazz, resilience and solidarity.
Gisle Tveito & Gustaf Berger  for THE INNOCENTSSound can create an atmosphere of its own: Shifting out from what feels like ordinary every-day life, the simple yet unique sound design in THE INNOCENTS increases tension and becomes haunting. It keeps you on the edge of your seat.
Peter Hjorth & Fredrik Nord for LAMBThe excellent visual effects in LAMB create a magical realism which transports the audience into another dimension.

Årets jury har bestått av:  Camilla Hjelm, cinematographer, Denmark. Matt Kasmir, VFX supervisor, UK. Jelena Maksimovic, editor, Serbia. Ursula Patzak, costume designer, Italy. Célia Sayaphoum, sound designer, France. Francis «Kiko» Soeder, production designer, Germany. Başar Ünder, composer, Turkey. Leendert van Nimwegen, make-up artist, Netherlands.