Kortfilm-dvd: Intervjuer med filmskaperne

Les intervjuer med regissørene bak kortfilmene på vår dvd. Her forteller bl.a. Hans Petter Moland, Jens Lien og Johannes Nyholm om hva filmene har betydd for dem.

I den nye utgaven av Rushprint følger en dvd med det ypperste innen nordisk kortfilm – samt piloten til Roy Anderssons neste film som ekstra bonus. Denne gangen er det nordisk humor i ulike valører som er fellesnevneren for vår dvd, som utgis i samarbeid med Nordisk film- og tv-fond, samt de tre andre nordiske tidsskriftene FLM (Sverige), Episodi (Finland) og Filmmagasinet Ekko (Danmark).


Tegn abonnement på Rushprint og få dvd-en med på kjøpet.


Nå kan du lese intervjuer med noen av kortfilmskaperne på dvd-en. Intervjuene er skrevet av Mads Suldrup and Thomas S. Sejersen i Filmmagasinet Ekko. Intervjuene er gjort på engelsk.


Classical slapstick with a baby

The YouTube hit Las Palmas is now available in its full length on the DVD Funny Films of the North. The Swedish director Johannes Nyholm talks about his film and a small puppetboy, who’s also on the DVD.


The old men in the swamp

When he made United We Stand, the biggest challenge for director Hans Petter Moland was to adapt Erlend Loe’s script.


One should be able to make fun of everything

A woman with a handicap is the main humorous ingredient in the short film Anna. Interview with the director, Helena Stéfansdóttir.


When disaster strikes

Finnish-born Maarit Lalli nearly didn’t survive making the absurd short film The Lake.


Danish monkeys in outer space

Jan Rahbek graduated from The Danish Film School with the crazy comedy Space Monkeys.

A drunken new year’s morning

Normally, we don’t like to talk about the embarrassing times of being too drunk. Jannicke Låker has made an entire film about one of these times.

The condom bass sounds too good

Can a sofa, a pair of slippers, or a condom serve as an musical instrument? They do in Music for One Apartment and Six Drummers. The directors explain why.


Close the door, please

“When you stand totally still, you’re practically invisible.” That is the point of reference from which Jens Lien made his short film Shut the Door. The director tells about the film.


Neo-nazis and raw meat

Finnish-born Teemu Nikki’s short film Mother Doesn’t Bowl Anymore is just as curious as its title.


In art, one has to doubt

The mockumentary This is Alaska is available on the DVD Funny Films of the North . Meet the directors behind the snappy, modernist satire.


Night life improvisation

An extremely funny encounter at a bar served as inspiration for director Mariken Halle and her film No Sex Just Understand.


The wide and strained smile

Interview with Finnish-born Ami Lindholm, whose animated short film The Irresistible Smile is available on the dvd Funny Films of the North.


A pleasant discomfort

People above the Arctic circle are funny because they don’t talk much according to Patrik Eklund. Eklund directed the short film Seeds of the Fall.


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Kortfilm-dvd: Intervjuer med filmskaperne

Les intervjuer med regissørene bak kortfilmene på vår dvd. Her forteller bl.a. Hans Petter Moland, Jens Lien og Johannes Nyholm om hva filmene har betydd for dem.

I den nye utgaven av Rushprint følger en dvd med det ypperste innen nordisk kortfilm – samt piloten til Roy Anderssons neste film som ekstra bonus. Denne gangen er det nordisk humor i ulike valører som er fellesnevneren for vår dvd, som utgis i samarbeid med Nordisk film- og tv-fond, samt de tre andre nordiske tidsskriftene FLM (Sverige), Episodi (Finland) og Filmmagasinet Ekko (Danmark).


Tegn abonnement på Rushprint og få dvd-en med på kjøpet.


Nå kan du lese intervjuer med noen av kortfilmskaperne på dvd-en. Intervjuene er skrevet av Mads Suldrup and Thomas S. Sejersen i Filmmagasinet Ekko. Intervjuene er gjort på engelsk.


Classical slapstick with a baby

The YouTube hit Las Palmas is now available in its full length on the DVD Funny Films of the North. The Swedish director Johannes Nyholm talks about his film and a small puppetboy, who’s also on the DVD.


The old men in the swamp

When he made United We Stand, the biggest challenge for director Hans Petter Moland was to adapt Erlend Loe’s script.


One should be able to make fun of everything

A woman with a handicap is the main humorous ingredient in the short film Anna. Interview with the director, Helena Stéfansdóttir.


When disaster strikes

Finnish-born Maarit Lalli nearly didn’t survive making the absurd short film The Lake.


Danish monkeys in outer space

Jan Rahbek graduated from The Danish Film School with the crazy comedy Space Monkeys.

A drunken new year’s morning

Normally, we don’t like to talk about the embarrassing times of being too drunk. Jannicke Låker has made an entire film about one of these times.

The condom bass sounds too good

Can a sofa, a pair of slippers, or a condom serve as an musical instrument? They do in Music for One Apartment and Six Drummers. The directors explain why.


Close the door, please

“When you stand totally still, you’re practically invisible.” That is the point of reference from which Jens Lien made his short film Shut the Door. The director tells about the film.


Neo-nazis and raw meat

Finnish-born Teemu Nikki’s short film Mother Doesn’t Bowl Anymore is just as curious as its title.


In art, one has to doubt

The mockumentary This is Alaska is available on the DVD Funny Films of the North . Meet the directors behind the snappy, modernist satire.


Night life improvisation

An extremely funny encounter at a bar served as inspiration for director Mariken Halle and her film No Sex Just Understand.


The wide and strained smile

Interview with Finnish-born Ami Lindholm, whose animated short film The Irresistible Smile is available on the dvd Funny Films of the North.


A pleasant discomfort

People above the Arctic circle are funny because they don’t talk much according to Patrik Eklund. Eklund directed the short film Seeds of the Fall.


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